Action quiz auto correction not seeing my action server

It tells me the /distance_as action server is not running but when i start the navigation (ros2 launch leo_description and my action server(ros2 launch actions_quiz myself through the terminal,
I get this result when listing the available actions:

user:~/ros2_ws$ ros2 action list
user:~/ros2_ws$ ros2 action info /distance_as -t
Action: /distance_as
Action clients: 0
Action servers: 1
    /my_action_server [actions_quiz_msg/action/Distance]

Here is the code where i create the action server (do i have to specify the / in the name here to sucessfully get throug the auto correction?)
Or is there another issue that i dont check when just listing the actions to verify if its running correctly?
When i use my client it seems to me that all works correctly…

# Action server to accept goals
        self.action_server = ActionServer(
            self, Distance, 'distance_as', self.execute_callback)

Here is the whole for reference if ther is another issue with that…

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseWithCovarianceStamped
from nav2_msgs.action import NavigateToPose
from rclpy.action import ActionClient, ActionServer
from tf_transformations import quaternion_from_euler
from action_msgs.msg import GoalStatus
import time
from actions_quiz_msg.action import Distance

class MyActionServer(Node):
    def __init__(self):

        self.distance_traveled_set = False

        # Action server to accept goals
        self.action_server = ActionServer(
            self, Distance, 'distance_as', self.execute_callback)

        # Publisher to set initial pose
        self.initial_pose_publisher = self.create_publisher(
            PoseWithCovarianceStamped, '/initialpose', 10)

        # Action client for navigation to pose
        self.nav_to_pose_client = ActionClient(
            self, NavigateToPose, '/navigate_to_pose')

        # Wait for the localization node to be ready

        # Set the initial pose to (0, 0, 0)
        self.set_initial_pose(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    def wait_for_localization(self):
        self.get_logger().info("Waiting for localization to be active...")
        amcl_pose_topic = '/amcl_pose'
        while not self.count_subscribers('/initialpose') > 0:
            self.get_logger().info("Waiting for subscribers to /initialpose...")
        while not self.topic_exists(amcl_pose_topic):
            self.get_logger().info(f"Waiting for {amcl_pose_topic} topic...")
        self.get_logger().info("Localization is active.")

    def topic_exists(self, topic_name):
        topics = self.get_topic_names_and_types()
        return any(topic[0] == topic_name for topic in topics)

    def set_initial_pose(self, x, y, yaw):
        """Publish the initial pose to the /initialpose topic multiple times."""
        initial_pose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped()
        initial_pose.header.frame_id = 'map'
        initial_pose.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()

        initial_pose.pose.pose.position.x = x
        initial_pose.pose.pose.position.y = y

        # Set the orientation as quaternion (for yaw rotation)
        q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw)
        initial_pose.pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
        initial_pose.pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
        initial_pose.pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
        initial_pose.pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3]

        # Publish the initial pose multiple times
        for i in range(10):
            self.get_logger().info(f"Publishing initial pose ({i+1}/10)")

        self.get_logger().info(f"Initial pose set to x: {x}, y: {y}, yaw: {yaw}")

    async def execute_callback(self, goal_handle):
        """Handle the incoming goal request."""
        self.get_logger().info('Received goal request')

        x = goal_handle.request.x
        y = goal_handle.request.y
        yaw = goal_handle.request.yaw

        self.get_logger().info(f"Navigating to: x={x}, y={y}, yaw={yaw}")

        # Store the goal handle for later use in the feedback callback
        self.current_goal_handle = goal_handle

        # Send navigation goal
        result = await self.send_navigation_goal(x, y, yaw)

        if result:
            self.get_logger().info('Goal reached successfully!')
            return Distance.Result(success=True, distance_traveled=self.distance_traveled)
            self.get_logger().info('Failed to reach goal :(')
            return Distance.Result(success=False)

    async def send_navigation_goal(self, x, y, yaw):
        """Send a navigation goal using the NavigateToPose action."""
        goal_msg = NavigateToPose.Goal()

        # Set goal position
        goal_msg.pose.pose.position.x = x
        goal_msg.pose.pose.position.y = y

        # Set goal orientation (yaw as quaternion)
        q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw)
        goal_msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
        goal_msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
        goal_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
        goal_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3]

        # Set the frame and timestamp
        goal_msg.pose.header.frame_id = 'map'
        goal_msg.pose.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()

        # Wait for the NavigateToPose action server
        self.get_logger().info("Waiting for the NavigateToPose action server...")

        # Send the goal
        self.get_logger().info(f"Sending navigation goal to: x={x}, y={y}, yaw={yaw}")
        send_goal_future = self.nav_to_pose_client.send_goal_async(goal_msg, feedback_callback=self.nav_to_pose_feedback_callback)
        nav_goal_handle = await send_goal_future

        if not nav_goal_handle.accepted:
            self.get_logger().info('Navigation goal rejected')
            return False

        self.get_logger().info('Navigation goal accepted')

        # Wait for result
        get_result_future = nav_goal_handle.get_result_async()
        nav_result = await get_result_future

        if nav_result.status == GoalStatus.STATUS_SUCCEEDED:
            self.get_logger().info('Navigation succeeded')
            return True
            self.get_logger().info(f'Navigation failed with status: {nav_result.status}')
            return False

    async def nav_to_pose_feedback_callback(self, feedback_msg):
        """Handle feedback and send it to the action server as feedback."""
        if self.current_goal_handle is None:
            self.get_logger().warn("No current goal handle available for feedback.")

        distance_left =

        if not self.distance_traveled_set and distance_left != 0:
            self.get_logger().info(f"Distance remaining max = distance traveled = {distance_left}")
            self.distance_traveled = distance_left
            self.distance_traveled_set = True

        self.get_logger().info(f"Distance remaining to goal: {distance_left} meters")

        # Prepare the feedback message for the custom action
        feedback = Distance.Feedback()
        feedback.distance_left = distance_left

        # Publish the feedback
            # Publish feedback safely
        except Exception as e:
            self.get_logger().error(f"Failed to publish feedback: {e}")

def main(args=None):
    node = MyActionServer()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == '__main__':


We will have a look immediately to check what is going on there.

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Hi @jonas.haeberli please make sure to first remove the following folders from your workspace to ensure a clean environment:

  • /build
  • /install
  • /log

You can do this by running the following command in your workspace root directory:

cd ~/ros2_ws
rm -rf build install log

After cleaning the workspace, reset the simulation. This ensures that your solution is evaluated correctly.
After following these steps the gradebot shouldn’t have any issue, please tell us if that solved the issue. We are going to update the notebook with the instructions to avoid this.

Hi @jpvaldivia7, thanks for the help! I now tried again with cleaning the workspace as described and then resetting the simulation before submitting to autocorrection, but it still failed at the same postion as the first time i tried. Also exactly the same error description as before. Is there something else about that step that has to be right, that im getting wrong other than the action beeing listed with the correct name? Like the name for the node or something like that? Kind Regards Jonas

Hi @jpvaldivia7, its me again, i just wanted to let you know that I don’t care to much about completing the actions quiz autocorrection completly as long as I know that i dind’t do something completly wrong. But I got another question regarding the certificat. If seen that you are one of the creators of the course and therfore ask you if it also would be possible to do a project of my own that implements a lot of the things leard throughout the course but applied to a robot that i am currently building myself to obtain the certificate. Would it be possible to do that instead of the rosject related to the course?

Honestly, I don’t know what’s wrong with your packages, I just tried in my workspace and it succeeded the quiz… We will keep seeing what’s going on, your solutions looks good. Regarding the certificate I will ask and get back to you.

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