Action quiz - goal not using custom msg

I have created the CustomActionMsg.action and all the related topics and msg files exist, but rostopic info reveals that my program’s feedback is using the custom msg but goal is not. Could anyone help?

It is also worth noting that although I can add actionlib_msgs as build export and execution depend, but if I add the required build depend, this error appears:

Hi @zcccccc ,

This is because in your picture, <build_depend> line is missing a /.
You have <build_depend>actionlib_msgs<build_depend>,
but it should be <build_depend>actionlib_msgs</build_depend>.


Thank you! Now it says I am missing sensor_msgs in find_package? I have not used any sensor messages do you know why is this showing up?

Hi @zcccccc ,

Try deleting build and devel folders and do a fresh build with catkin_make command.

Check your CMakeLists.txt file and package.xml file to see if you included sensor_msgs by mistake. If you did, then remove that.


That is the bizzare thing I didnt.

it seems ardrone_as depend on sensor_msgs, is there any guide on what qualifies as exec depend, build depend, and export build depend?

Thanks again! I also deleted all folders within build and develp that specifies actions_quiz, but the issue remains. This is the rest of the code: