Base_link and RobotModel are not displayed on the rviz

Base_link and RobotModel are not displayed on the rviz, and I don’t know how to proceed.

I copied and pasted “robot.urdf” and “rviz.launch” files exactly the same

I had Run “rviz.launch” in the robot_description package

In the Display, base_link and RobotModel do not appear.

kind regard
Thank you!

Hello @pg01198 ,
In order to visualize the RobotModel in RViz, you need to first add it to the Displays. This is done by clicking on the Add button and selecting the RobotModel displays from the list of Displays.
Then, in order to properly visualize things you will have to set the correct Fixed Frame (frame of reference). In your case, this frame probably is base_link.

I’d suggest you check Unit 7 - Debugging Tools from the ROS2 Basics in 5 Days course (ROS2 Basics in 5 Days Humble (Python) course - hands-on | The Construct). This will give you a basic understanding of RViz.

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