When I follow the instruction, the package was compiled successful, but the bowl does disappear while I launch it.
Hi @wang.jianshu,
Did you specify the right model name? You can try deleting the bowl manually from the shell by calling the Gazebo service and see if it goes away. If it does, then check the code and ensure you’re doing everything correctly (right service, right model name, service is called rightly).
Yes, I delete the table and bowl_1 by using the Gazebo service, but how to add them back, by the way, when I launch my executable file, it shows cannot locate the delete_bowl node, what reason should cause this problem?
I tried again, the node issue is gone, but when I ros launch the launch file, it still does not delete the bowl, I just copy and paste all the code that I was given, so I dont think there are any errors in it. The service timed out after a while, and shut down, it shows “DeleteModel: Model pushed to delete queue, but delete service timed out waiting for model to disappear from simulation”. And this time when I delete the bowl manually by using gazebo/delete_model to delete the bowl, it does not work.
I got it, I successfully delete the bowl by using launch file, but I am still confused, how can I add them back?
Hi @wang.jianshu,
Great, glad you got it! You can restore everything by going to a unit with a different simulation and then coming right back.
Thanks, it works, by the way, what makes me confused is the IDE. The IDE often remind me some errors in the cpp file, but I am using the code you provides, it should be ok. Do you know why?
Hi @wang.jianshu,
Btw I checked the IDE and couldn’t find any errors? Could you please check again and create a new post showing some screenshots if you find those errors?