[Bug] actions custom interface bug

This is an error report.

Screenshot of the error

Error details

Hello, I previously worked on completing the services quiz and had a similar error using the client server protocol. I found that after spending almost 20 hours debugging the issue it took multiple resets to get the client/server to work. Now I am experiencing similar issues with the actions custom interface. while completing this module I had no issue performing the custom actions interface. I then started the actions_quiz and then started experiencing the client/ server not connecting. I then tried the actions custom interface section again to debug and it now does not work showing the error code in the screen snippet. I have already tried to colon rebuild and reset the batch file which does nothing to fix the error. I have changed nothing in the code since the first time I executed it please debug this since I do not have the time.

I meant by .bash not batch.

Hi @boyercd ,

Your above snippet is showing only a basic error output which is not quite helpful in understanding your issue.

Could you please post the full error report as a text code-block?

Also can you share the python script file that produces this error as another separate code-block?

Please format the code blocks separately. Refer to this page for more info on code blocks.


I was able to figure out that resetting things in a certain order seemed to solve the problem. I also found that the server must be started in terminal 1 in the /ros2_ws file and the client must be started outside of the /ros2_ws file in terminal 2 and will not work if this file is open. You should be good to close the request.


Hi @boyercd ,

Please understand the basics. ~/ros2_ws is a folder (directory) and not a file.
If any of the files are open in the IDE, that does not block the program from running.
Your program files just needs to be saved so that the most recent changes made to the program can be executed.
If any file or folder is open in the IDE, that will not block the program from executing.
I think you missed some step somewhere, which neither you nor I can directly point out.

But yes, the server and the client must and should be started in different terminals. You cannot run both in the same terminal with command line calls.


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