[Bug] Autograding failed to give me full score. Only 6

This is an error report.

Screenshot of the error

Error details

Ros2 Basic C++, Unit 3, quiz. My Robot successfully dodge the big ball, which is the quiz objective. Yet the auto grading only give me 6/10. It failed to notice that robot had move. My robot moved, and dodge the ball successfully, as you can see in the attached picture


Can you post the message that the quiz grading system gives you when you submit the quiz please?
It might give us a clue, maybe a package name is wrong or a topic name or a file name or somthing small like that

The problem is that you didn’t name your node correctly. As per the instructions, and as indicated in the grader error message, the name of the node should be topics_quiz_node.

  • Did you name your node correctly in the C++ source? It should be topics_quiz_node

I got it right, with different way than the solution.
I still think it is the autograder’s bug. Since I have set my node name topics_quiz_node already.
Please check my solution

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Your node was not named properly at some point; that was why it could not detect the subscription to /scan.

Also, you are having different errors at different times (sometimes not subscribed to /scan, not moving at another time) suggesting that you are doing trial and error.

In any case, you have not reached the maximum trials allowed for this quiz and should move on to the next unit. Not a big deal, since this quiz is just a playground for the problem you will solve in your next checkpoint (if you have not done it already).

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