[Bug] Error of the bot to correct my topics quizz

This is an error report.

Screenshot of the error

Error details

In ROS2 Basic in 5 Dayx (python), Lesson 3, the bot not succeed to verify my result, while is-it good (my robot stop in the final square). In the feedback of the bot's correction, we have this error noticed: " ✖ [18:17:52] [assess] Not subscribed to /odom. Let's get this sorted first. Please check: - Did you create a subscriber correctly to the topic /odom in your source code? - Did you use the right node name? It should be topics_quiz_node (mark: 4.0) " As we can see in the screenShot, i use the good name of the node. I don't understand, please help me hehe

What is the name you specified in your launch file and Python code? You have specified quiz_publisher somewhere. Please change that to topics_quiz_node and try again.

Also, please test your quiz before submitting and, next time, contact us after the 1st/2nd trail (and not the 4th!)

I had renamed with “topics_quiz_node” the executable but not the node name during creation, thank you.

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