[Bug] Error when running launch files

This is an error report.

Screenshot of the error

Error details

In the final exam, I'm facing this error for all the files i implemented in the exam when using roslaunch. They worked before but suddenly I started receiving this error after running rviz for a while. Then I checked previous units examples that was provided and those don't work now.

What you see in the terminal output is a warning, not an error.

It’s indicating that the planner can’t find a viable path for the provided goal. Since the robot is in front of an obstacle in the screenshot provided, my guess is that the goal sent is somewhere in the space taken up by the obstacle.

RViz is a good tool to debug this:

  • Can you send another goal to another place with no obstacles?
  • Is the robot properly localized?

Remember to also check if you have all of the needed programs launched.

I have not sent any goal recently , however it still repeatedly sends the warning message. When i try running rviz it does not work properly for example one second my robot is stationary then next second its suddenly moved to another part of the map and then again its back.

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