When i launch my package on terminal it works properly, but when i submit it for grading i get an error:
β [13:19:22] [assess] Could not launch topics_quiz package successfully.
The launch command exited earlier than expected. You actually let this happen?
- Does your quiz node finish in 10 seconds or less? That's too Fast and Furious!
- Did you name the launch file correctly? It should be topics_quiz.launch
- Run roslaunch topics_quiz topics_quiz.launch and fix any errors that appears. (mark: 3.0)
the files are named correctly and node does not finish on it's own, i don;t know what's causing the problem
Please ensure that you kill all programs running in the terminals before submitting the quiz. That was the problem here, according to the logs:
[ WARN] [1714993867.822000137]: Shutdown request received.
[ WARN] [1714993867.823723802]: Reason given for shutdown: [[/topics_quiz_node] Reason: new node registered with same name]e[0m
[topics_quiz_node-1] process has finished cleanly
We do not provide access to the logs at this time, but this is something we can consider. Also, we have in our backlog an improvement to automatically close any running program in the terminals to prevent this kind of problem.
In the meantime, you can avoid this kind of problem by:
carefully reading the quiz instructions (which usually state this)
carefully following the gradebot suggestions after a failure