This is an error report.
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Error details
Feedback from the last successful autocorrection: [15:02:08] [info] Setting up ROS environment (mark: 0) ~ [15:02:091 [info] ROS environment setup is okay (mark: O) © [15:02:09] [info] Task O: navigation_exam package found (mark: O) [15:02:14] [info] compiling package navigation_exam ….. (mark: O) * [15:02:14] [info] The navigation_exam package did not compile successfully. Let's fix this before we continue. Things you can check before retrying: - Run catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps navigation_exam and ensure it compiles without an error. (mark: O) I am not able to proceed my exam and its failing so could you please find them and correct as soon as possible
I see you have now moved past this error. Please let us know if you still need any help, and where.
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