[Bug] 직진이 안되는데 혹시 저 화면에 만든 패키지 문제 일까요 I can't go straight. Is it the package I made on the screen

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강의 내용 따라해서 만든 저 패키지 때문에 직진이 안되는 것일까요 궁금합니다. u키로 직진이 안되서 맵 그리기가 어렵네요 I wonder if I can't go straight because of the package I made following the lecture's content. It's hard to draw a map because I can't go straight with U-key

HI @3dkids4u, welcome to the community!

I think the issue is that the robot does not go straight because you are pressing the U key instead of the I key when you run the teleop_twist_keyboard.

Since the robot is holonomic, I believe it will move with an X and Y component if you press U. So try pressing I to go straight.

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