[Bug] Ignition to ROS Bridge not working

This is an error report.

Screenshot of the error

Error details

In section 3.2, following the instructions does not result in chatter messages being echoed when using "ros2 topic echo /chatter"

Hi @jkel.1996 ,

Welcome to this Community!

It is working fine for me I tested it just now.

I think you are not following instructions properly.

Subscribers do not print out any messages unless any topic publishes to that subscription topic.

Please read the instructions carefully:

  1. You need to start the bridge.
  2. You need to subscribe to ROS2 topic.
  3. You then publish into the Gazebo topic with a Publisher.

This is the way the course is designed.
Not every single command will immediately produce an output on the screen.


Hi thank you for your prompt reply.

I understand that nothing will be received by the subscriber when I run “ros2 topic echo /chatter” unless another node is first publishing to /chatter.

I was required to submit a screenshot of the error and couldn’t take one with all 3 terminals visible simultaneously.

Interesting that it is working for you, because when I ran the gz topic publisher on the /chatter topic. I did not see anything echo-ed in ROS. I will try again later.

Hi @ girishkumar.kannan,

I just tried to run the example again. I am not sure why it is not working for me.

Here are some screenshots. Would like to know what I am doing wrong because I am copying and pasting the instructions.

I also tried changing the message type from ignition.msgs.StringMsg to gz.msgs.StringMsg after getting deprecated warnings.

I can only upload 1 image at a time, I will include 2 more in 2 following replies.

ros2 topic echo /chatter screenshot.

gz topic -t /chatter -m… screenshot.

Hi @jkel.1996 ,

Thanks for the pictures. You can attach more than one picture in a single post (just copy-paste the picture one after another, rather than attaching a picture).

Your issue seems to be weird. I guess there is some glitch in the course VM or backend or bashrc file.

I will try to see if I can replicate your issue and give you a solution.


Dear @girishkumar.kannan,

Thank you again for your prompt response.

I tried on my local machine and the parameter bridge does not seem to work for my binary installation of ros_gz via sudo apt install ros-humble-ros-gz as well. However, it does work for a source installed version of the package.

I’m not sure why the debian package is not working though.

Oh, apparently I am a new user, that’s why I am not allowed to upload multiple pictures simultaneously.

Hi @jkel.1996 ,

Yes, that could be the issue. Thanks for bringing that to notice.

Ah, I see. You need to get these two badges: Basic Badge and Read Guidelines Badge


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