[Bug] importing simple_pid

This is an error report.

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Error details

I'm using the simple_pid package to do my task, is that the reason my test kept giving me an error that it can't launch the file?? it doesn't state I can't use the PID package or any custom import for python.

Hi @richieryuliesugandha ,

Welcome to this Community!

Is the simple_pid package already present in the course system? I am guessing it is not.
Did you download the package before importing it? Because you cannot use an external import package that is not installed already - it will give you errors.

Also, looking at the section you are working on, Beginning of Chapter 3, I am sure you do not have the need to use external packages like simple_pid to solve the exercise problems. They are very beginner friendly and easy to solve without the need for any external simplified libraries.

Please post the error messages that you are seeing as a screenshot or a formatted text, so we can provide better solution to you.
But, if the simple_pid is an external package, try to solve the task without that package.


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