[Bug] PIL module not found

This is an error report.

Screenshot of the error

Error details

In the module plant_detector.py, the import of the PIL module can not be resolved. As a result, the conversion for the detection model is wrong and plants are not recognized. Looks like there is a problem with the PIL/Pillow module installation.

Have you tried installing it yourself ?

pip install pillow

Hi Khaled07, thank you for your quick reply!

I did try, but gave me the following:

Requirement already satisfied: pillow in /user/lib/python3/dist-packages (9.0.1)

Removing and reinstalling is not possible as:

Pip uninstall pillow

Found existing installation: Pillow 9.0.1

Not uninstalling pillow at usr/lib/python3/dist-packages, outside environment /usr

Can’t uninstall ‘Pillow’. No files were found to uninstall

Please ignore the warning in the IDE unless it’s affecting the running of your code.

We are working on removing this false positive. Apologies for the trouble.

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