[Bug] python fav_movie.py its not asking for the name of

This is an error report.

Screenshot of the error

Error details

Even after executing "python fav_movie.py" , its not asking for the name of movie

Hi @shaileshasmita, welcome to the community!

According to your screenshot, this is what you did.

  1. You accessed directory ~/catkin_ws/src/robot_control
  2. You tried to run fav_movie.py, and you got an error saying the file didn’t exist.
  3. You created an empty file named fav_movie.py
  4. You ran an empty file named fav_movie.py

So no output is the expected output for the actions you made.
My guess is that the file that you have opened in the IDE is somewhere else than the directory you accessed in 1. Find it and run it there.

thanks Buddy. It worked

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