[Bug] required executable python

This is an error report.

Screenshot of the error

Error details

hello, does anyone could help me fix this ? Thanks

Kindly give more context about the error.

  • Which unit of the course were you working on?
  • What section were you following when this error happened?
  • How did you come about the code that you are attempting to run?

In any case the error message is pointing to something you should be able to fix, with basic ROS2 knowledge: the node was not given a name in the __init__() method.

Hi @yusufbadriawan ,

I think there is a problem with one of the nodes that you have defined in your launch file.
Every node has pkg and executable as required parameters. name might be optional.
In one of your nodes, you have forgotten to add the executable parameter. That is what the error says.

Check your launch file and cross-reference with the course instructions.

That should solve your issue.


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