[Bug] ROS master error

This is an error report.

Screenshot of the error

Error details

cannot access to http://2_simulation:34633 this is what I get from echo $ROS_MASTER_URI

Hi @JeeseongKim ,

Welcome to this Community!

There are a few steps you can try to get rid of that issue:

  1. Check if you are running all the required commands or if you are missing any commands.
  2. If you are not missing any commands, then restart the terminal by clicking on the circular counter-clockwise arrow symbol on the right side of the terminal/webshell tab.
  3. Restart the simulation by clicking on the circular counter-clockwise button on the top right corner of the simulation - this is the first button from the left on the set of 3 buttons, not the middle one.
  4. If steps 1, 2, and 3 fail, then restart your webpage and relaunch the commands and simulation.
  5. If step 4 also fails, close the webpage, clear your browser history and cookies and relaunch the course and execute the commands.
  6. If step 5 also fails, clear your browser history and cookies and login to course again after 15-20 mins and relaunch the commands and simulation.

One of the above methods should definitely fix the problem. Do it in the same order please.


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