[Bug] setuptools not avaiable

This is an error report.

Screenshot of the error

Error details

I am not sure how to resolve this issue. Please see error in code screen.

Hi @angelinadavydova ,

Welcome to this Community!

The first thing that you need to know when programming with ROS framework is that you should not trust all the error / warning messages displayed by the IDE as issues, specifically online IDEs, as they do not have proper linking with the program related files directly.

This issue that you have with setuptools is not exactly an issue related to the ROS package but rather related to Pylance which is one of the Python plugins in the IDE to help with programming.

These issues are false-positives and you don’t have to worry about them.

The only errors / warnings the you need to lookout for when programming with python is when you execute the program. On the contrary, when you are programming with C++, the errors / warnings will pop up during compilation tile itself, so you can fix them before execution.

You you may safely ignore these issues and proceed.


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