I am working with the code provided as an example, no changes at all.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import rospy
import math
import tf
import geometry_msgs.msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
listener = tf.TransformListener()
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("usage: turtle_tf_listener.py follower_model_name model_to_be_followed_name")
follower_model_name = sys.argv[1]
model_to_be_followed_name = sys.argv[2]
turtle_vel = rospy.Publisher(follower_model_name+'/cmd_vel', geometry_msgs.msg.Twist,queue_size=1)
rate = rospy.Rate(10.0)
ctrl_c = False
follower_model_frame = "/"+follower_model_name
model_to_be_followed_frame = "/"+model_to_be_followed_name
def shutdownhook():
# works better than the rospy.is_shut_down()
global ctrl_c
print "shutdown time! Stop the robot"
cmd = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist()
cmd.linear.x = 0.0
cmd.angular.z = 0.0
ctrl_c = True
while not ctrl_c:
(trans,rot) = listener.lookupTransform(follower_model_frame, model_to_be_followed_frame, rospy.Time(0))
except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException):
angular = 4 * math.atan2(trans[1], trans[0])
linear = 0.5 * math.sqrt(trans[0] ** 2 + trans[1] ** 2)
cmd = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist()
cmd.linear.x = linear
cmd.angular.z = angular
All the topics needed are being published (turtle 1 and 2/cmd_vel).
I found out that the problem I am having is that my code gets caught in the except part in the loop, so I never get any data to work with. Now, I am not exactly sure why this is happening, or what am I missing.
Thank you in advance.