Cannot Run Gazebo Simulator course

It shows error in “Connection Error”

An internal error has occured within the Guacamole server and the connection has been terminated

I restart my course, same issues. Could you give me guide to clone the project into my local pc. I think my local pc works faster than web interface

Hello @boonchiat ,

Could you share a screenshot of this problem you are having? I’ve just been testing the course and it’s working ok for me.

We cannot provide instructions to run it on your local machine because:

  • These instructions would depend on each person’s local machine specifications.
  • The course has been tested in the Academy environment, so we cannot assure it’s going to work on each person’s local machine.

Hello @boonchiat ,

The 1st image is an actual connection error that can happen sometimes, but it can be be easily solved by just clicking on the Reconnect button.

The 2nd image is the expected default state of the simulation window (for this course). For this course, you don’t have a default simulation like in others. Instead, you have an empty window because during the course you will be actually launching the simulations that you will be working with.

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