i cant insert the Age.msg in the python script i am writing
Can show you the code where the error is please.
So far, I think the issue comes from how you are trying to import the .msg
Also, did you update the CMake after creating the custom message and did you rebuild your workspace ?
thanks for replying
from exercise_33.msg import Age
this is the error in my code. i have updated my cmake and build the workspace but still it is not working
Run the ROS Command
rosmsg package <Your Package Name>
to figure out if message is successfully build and listed inside your package.
You will also need to source the workspace again after building custom message file.
Hi @bazzouna98,
This type of error message could be caused by the catkin workspace not being sourced after the build.
Did you enter the source command at ~/catkin_ws ?
$ source devel/setup.bash
If it’s not the cause, can you paste here your CMakeLists.txt ?
Not sure if it’s related, but something similar happened to me and I couldn’t import the message despite following the procedure seen in the course exactly.
What solved it for me was erasing the build and devel directories, then running the catkin_make, followed by the source devel/setup.bash command.
Glad to hear that your problem has been solved. Please marked as solved!
Thank you so much for your response! Your solution worked perfectly for me.
also merci for every one answered and spending time for it, I appreciate it
after deleting the build and devel folders, and after uising catkin_make, and sourcing, at first the ros couldn’t recognise the packages but after (rospack profile) the problem was completly solved and everything worked good
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