Checkpoint 1 received no score. Checkpoint2 has no submit button

Checkpoint1 had been submitted, but got no score: 0/100.
I soon to finish Checkpoint2, but I notice that there is no “Submit” button.
If so, how can I unlock the next section?
Please help

Hi @peerajak ,

Please post these questions on Discord into the MasterClass Phase 1 channel.

You need more than 8.0 / 10.0 to proceed to the next section. Your current score [as of 18th March, 2024] is 1.25 / 10.0. Therefore, your next section is not unlocked and you must resubmit your assignment again after fixing your issues.

Your score is under 8 / 10, therefore your score is not updated there and still shows 0 / 10.0.

You need to get more than 8 / 10.0 to unlock the submit button for the next Checkpoint, in your case Checkpoint 2.

You need to score more than 8.0 out of 10.0 on Checkpoint 1.

I hope this information helped!

Girish [Your current Checkpoint grader and informer for MasterClass]

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