CMakeLists Quiz Unit 4

My services_quiz_srv package is not building and I’m sure that the code inside CMakeLists and package.xml is correct. I’ve been trying for more than an hour to fix just this issue but it still doesn’t work. I finished the quiz but can’t submit it yet because since this package is not built then the services_quiz package doesn’t launch correctly either.

Hi @mjaramilloholguin,
Hmmm it looks that there is something wrong in the package.xml file, can you share the full file to double check if there is something wrong?
A possible solution that you can do is to delete build, install and log files and try to compile again, sometimes when we edit the packages the previous compilations may have conflict.

Yes of course. This is the file:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?> services_quiz_srv 0.0.0 Custom service for robot movement user TODO: License declaration



It seems that you did not write the complete file, please write the 16 lines of code of your file package.xml
Meanwhile also try the solution that I suggested earlier: delete build, install and log files and try to compile again. Also you can try to delete your package and make it again.

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