Doubt on directly publishing topics in actions(ROS BASICS PYTHON)

I didnot understand whats the point in observing the feedback and result topics because I didn’t published anything into it, as I only published goal topic.

and it was given that I should get the same results as before

where I have launched both server and client and I just used echo to view in terminal.

Please clear my doubt.
Thank you.

Hi @AshishVarma ,

You don’t publish any information into result and feedback topics, but the action server does.

You get data published on result topic only when the action is complete and the result is returned.
Similarly, when the action server provides feedback only then you can see data on feedback topic.
To see data in /goal, /result, /feedback topics, you must initiate the action by calling it (sending a goal).

Also, the action server name seems to be /ardrone_as and not /ardrone_action_server.
So check the action server name by doing rostopic list before attempting to call the action server for a goal.



Hi @AshishVarma ,

Just ignore this part then.

Other parts remain as mentioned.


ok sir thankyou for the response.

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