I am stuck at the end of Exercise 3.1 Topic Publishers.
I created a new package,
then created the cpp file in the corresponding folder,
then created a launch file in a launch folder (in the package folder) (I am not so sure where this file is supposed to be…).
Regarding the double tab referred by @duckfrost2, this pertains to an action in your Command Line Interface (CLI) from which once you are to input a package that you are unsure of, ROS2 has this feature or functionality that allows for the autocompletion of file names within a specific directory. So in this case, if you are able to see your package “pop-up” into the CLI after performing a double tab, I believe this impilies that your package is available and has been detected by your system.
I noticed that your package is inside the workspace folder itself, ros2_ws. I believe this should be created within the /src folder instead.
Please do try navigating to your /src folder and then run the syntax “ros2 pkg create topic_publisher_pkg --build-type dependency_1 dependency_2 dependency_n”
Thanks CCAnabeza,
I did the correction you suggested (after suppressing the /ros2_ws/build/ folder and the topic_publisher_pkg folder) and it works now.
Many thanks for your help !