I am trying to run the RosJect associated with this old ConstructSim course on my local VMWare installation of U16.04/ROS Kinect:
Several issues (the SECOND one is the major one):
Issue 1: I git cloned the files at the link at the beginning of this tutorial (‘robot minor changes + world’ is the title). However, unlike the description in the video, there are 5 launch files in the launch folder instead of one and none of them matches the name ‘world.launch’. I was under the impression that a committed archive was locked down? Since ‘world1.launch’ appeared to be exactly the same as ‘world.launch’, I chose to launch that file. When I did that …
Issue 2: I got an error “ResourceNotFound: simulation_gazebo”. I looked into the launch file and the problem appears to be related to a missing folder that is specific to running simulations in ROSDS, as opposed to my local computer. What should I change it to? The corresponding line in the launch code that relates to this is:
Issue 3: I noticed the following line in the same launch file:
<arg name="headless" value="$(arg headless)"/>
What is the purpose of this line?