I was trying to perform the project in Unit 6, but it seems to be that some files are disappearing when going from Unit 5 to 6.
The first part of the project goes smoothly, the problems start in the 3rd point, when it is asked to build a python script to go trough all the possible poses. I have tried to build it using the code from Unit 5, but I keep getting this error.
I also attach my code (you can see that is really similar to the pick_and_place.py) used in Unit 5
Thank you in advance!
Hi there,
It seems like this is a Python specific problem. Can you try to replicate the following commands?
Hello, thank you for replying me, this is what I’m getting from both unit 6 and 5:
Best regards,
But the strange thing is that the program in unit 5 (pick_and_place.py of module simple_grasping) runs flawlessly.
I have just tried to import moveit_python in unit 6 and indeed it seems like this module cannot be found. So i believe that the Python environnement for this unit doesn’t include this module.
Maybe @albertoezquerro can fix the problem?
Hello @VincenzoScamarcio and @mouad.abrini ,
I’ve just updated the project environment to include moveit_python
, so you should be able to use without problems now.
Hello @albertoezquerro,
thank you for trying to help me, unfortunately when I try to run the aforementioned program, the same message keeps appearing:
user:~$ rosrun rb1_robot_mico_moveit_config goto_poses.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/user/catkin_ws/src/rb1_robot_mico_moveit_config/scripts/goto_poses.py”, line 8, in
from moveit_python import (MoveGroupInterface,
ImportError: cannot import name ‘MoveGroupInterface’ from ‘moveit_python’ (/home/user/catkin_ws/devel/lib/python3/dist-packages/moveit_python/init.py)
Hello @VincenzoScamarcio ,
I was able to solve it by removing the build
and devel
folders from the catkin_ws
and recompiling. For some reason, it was trying to access the module there as you can see in the last line of the error.
Hello @albertoezquerro,
thank you for the hint, I did it and the error message disappeared.
The problem that lasts is that, when I launch my program (you can find the pics in the first question of this topic) the robot does not start to move and in the shell nothing appears. When I press Ctrl+C then the program stops and launches the message in the last line of the code (rospy.loginfo “finished”).
Could you also help me with that? Thank you in advance,
Vincenzo Scamarcio