Hi, I’m working on excercise 2.6.1 in Git course.
I hit the roslaunch robot_racetrack virtual_track.launch command.
I see the graphic window, but there is no vehicle appearing.
I attatched the folder configuration image. Is this right?
Hi, I’m working on excercise 2.6.1 in Git course.
I hit the roslaunch robot_racetrack virtual_track.launch command.
I see the graphic window, but there is no vehicle appearing.
I attatched the folder configuration image. Is this right?
I think the folder configuraiton was incorrect.
I corrected it as follows, but still no vehicle is showing up.
Hi @matsu.mayooooo.
The reason for the vehicle and track not showing up is because the name of the rviz
configuration file is incorrect. It should be racetrack.rviz
It’s very important that file extensions are not capitalized, and match exactly what the system is looking for. Since the extension name is wrong, then rviz can’t load it, and a blank configuration is shown.
Oh, the extensions! Thank you! It worked.
Actually, it was written capitalized as RVIZ in the Japanese translation.
Thank you anyway!
Thank you for letting us know. I’ll make note of that issue because it shouldn’t have happened
Sounds good! Thank you:)
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