/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/…/…/…/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: In function _start': (.text+0x20): undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I keep getting this error when compiling, what could be this issue?
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/…/…/…/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: In function _start': (.text+0x20): undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I keep getting this error when compiling, what could be this issue?
Hello @mfalm ,
It looks like you are doing a reference to main in your code, but main has not been defined. Could you share the code you are trying to compile here?
Adding to what Alberto mentioned, you probably do not have a function named main
in your code.
All programs in C++ need to have the main
int main(){
// your_function_or_code_here();
return 0;
Hi Alberto,
This is the code I am using to compile. The main() function is there but not sure the issue.
#include "rosbot_control/rosbot_class.h"
#include <ros/ros.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
ros::init(argc, argv, "rosbot_node");
RosbotClass rosbot;
// Get readings
float right = rosbot.get_laser(121);
float left = rosbot.get_laser(431);
float front = rosbot.get_laser(719);
// Define and assign array values
float array_laser[] = {left,right,front};
// Print array
ROS_INFO_STREAM("The wall is at " << array_laser[0] << " meters to the left, and at " << array_laser[1] << " meters to the right from the robot, and at " << array_laser[2] << " meters to the front from the robot. \n");
return 0;
Hi @mfalm,
I just pasted your code on the ~/catkin_ws/src/cpp_course_repo/c_scripts/src/unit4_exercise.cpp
and compiled with cd ~/catkin_ws; catkin_make
, and everything compiled as expected as we can see below :
user:~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
Base path: /home/user/catkin_ws
Source space: /home/user/catkin_ws/src
Build space: /home/user/catkin_ws/build
Devel space: /home/user/catkin_ws/devel
Install space: /home/user/catkin_ws/install
#### Running command: "make cmake_check_build_system" in "/home/user/catkin_ws/build"
#### Running command: "make -j8 -l8" in "/home/user/catkin_ws/build"
[ 0%] Built target geometry_msgs_generate_messages_py
[ 0%] Built target actionlib_msgs_generate_messages_eus
[ 0%] Built target nav_msgs_generate_messages_py
[ 0%] Built target nav_msgs_generate_messages_nodejs
[ 0%] Built target nav_msgs_generate_messages_lisp
[ 0%] Built target roscpp_generate_messages_py
[ 0%] Built target rosgraph_msgs_generate_messages_eus
[ 0%] Built target actionlib_msgs_generate_messages_py
[ 0%] Built target geometry_msgs_generate_messages_eus
[ 0%] Built target roscpp_generate_messages_cpp
[ 0%] Built target rosgraph_msgs_generate_messages_cpp
[ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_cpp
[ 0%] Built target sensor_msgs_generate_messages_nodejs
[ 0%] Built target geometry_msgs_generate_messages_cpp
[ 0%] Built target roscpp_generate_messages_eus
[ 0%] Built target rosgraph_msgs_generate_messages_py
[ 0%] Built target rosgraph_msgs_generate_messages_lisp
[ 0%] Built target roscpp_generate_messages_nodejs
[ 0%] Built target actionlib_msgs_generate_messages_cpp
[ 0%] Built target rosgraph_msgs_generate_messages_nodejs
[ 0%] Built target nav_msgs_generate_messages_cpp
[ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_nodejs
[ 0%] Built target roscpp_generate_messages_lisp
[ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_eus
[ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_py
[ 0%] Built target nav_msgs_generate_messages_eus
[ 0%] Built target geometry_msgs_generate_messages_lisp
[ 0%] Built target std_msgs_generate_messages_lisp
[ 0%] Built target geometry_msgs_generate_messages_nodejs
[ 12%] Built target rosbot_control
[ 12%] Built target actionlib_msgs_generate_messages_lisp
[ 25%] Built target unit2_exercise
[ 37%] Built target unit5_exercise
[ 50%] Built target unit1_exercise
[ 62%] Built target unit6_exercise
Scanning dependencies of target unit4_exercise
[ 68%] Building CXX object cpp_course_repo/c_scripts/CMakeFiles/unit4_exercise.dir/src/unit4_exercise.cpp.o
[ 75%] Linking CXX executable /home/user/catkin_ws/devel/lib/c_scripts/unit4_exercise
[ 75%] Built target unit4_exercise
[ 87%] Built target unit3_exercise
[ 87%] Built target actionlib_msgs_generate_messages_nodejs
[ 87%] Built target sensor_msgs_generate_messages_cpp
[ 87%] Built target sensor_msgs_generate_messages_eus
[ 87%] Built target sensor_msgs_generate_messages_lisp
[ 87%] Built target sensor_msgs_generate_messages_py
[100%] Built target rosbot_class
If it really doesn’t work for you, I would recommend removing the build and devel
folders and recompiling it with the following commands:
cd ~/catkin_ws/
rm build/ devel/ -rf
source devel/setup.bash
Or, could it be that your package is outside of the catkin_ws/src/
folder? Packages should be ideally inside that catkin_ws/src
Along the course, we are told to clone the cpp_course_repo repository inside the catkin_ws/src folder. You can check its location using the command below:
find ~/ -name cpp_course_repo
That command will tell us where the repository is located.