Get value for variables of <remap ... >


<node   pkg="amcl" 
            output="screen" >

    <rosparam file="$(find localization)/param/localization.yaml" command="load"/>
    <remap from="scan" to="scan123" />


I want to set the “from: scan” and “to: scan123” in localization.yaml. Then load the value of from/to variable to from=“” and to=“” of remap command.

Could I do it? and how to do it?


Normally the values of the topics are set inside the localization.yaml file,you can change it there.
Or your idea is to be able to remap it ouside the yaml file in the launch file? I’m not sure of it will

I mean I want to set value: scan and value: scan123 in the localization.yaml.
How can I do it?