I’m taking the ROS in 5 days course and I was working on Unit 6. Because I had an error compiling the custom service message ("No module named ‘my_custom_srv_msg_pkg.srv’; ‘my_custom_srv_msg_pkg’ is not a package”), and couldn’t find a solution on the Forum, I followed the advice of several participants and deleted the catkin_ws build and devel folders and did a catkin_make. I kept getting the same error:
CMake Error at /opt/ros/noetic/share/genmsg/cmake/genmsg-extras.cmake:271 (message):
Could not find ‘share/rospy/cmake/rospy-msg-paths.cmake’ (searched in
So, I decided to try baby steps: I moved all of my packages that were in my catkin_ws/src folder (all the work from Units 3,4,5,6) into a separate src folder in my home directory (i.e., a peer of catkin_ws). I only moved a basic package that had no custom topic or service messages in it into catkin_ws/src. I was able to execute the python programs fine, so I then tried building the custom message Age.msg from Unit 4 following all the notebook’s instructions. I got the same “Could not find 'share/rospy/cmake/rospy-msg-paths.cmake” error. So this is where I left my troubleshooting.
So I took a break for dinner, and the Construct desktop timed out. When I came back to resume my work, I discovered my src folder in my home directory (/home/user) was missing. How do I recover all those packages? I don’t want to have to redo all the coding from those course units.
Thanks, in advance. Ray Kimber