I already finished the course, but i cant get in contact to anybody for the final evaluation. I sent the mail to info but i don’t have an answer yet.
Hello @RomuloPerez,
thank you for getting in touch via the help forum. You did the right thing since I looked up for your e-mail and saw that it was inside the spawn folder and therefore it went unnoticed.
I forwarded your request to @roalgoal and he or another member of the staff will get in touch with you to discuss this further.
Thank you for the info! @rzegers
Hello @rzegers,
Still without answer in the email.
I do not understand why is so hard to get in communication with TheConstruct people.
Hi @RomuloPerez sorry for the mixup, I have sent you an email to setup a presentation. Let me know if you don’t see it so we make sure it’s not going to your spam folder
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