Hello , I am currently doing my final exam on the ros foundation but i keep getting this error for my task 3
[14:05:18] [warn] Grading has taken longer than expected. Aborting…
Things you can check:
- Infinite loops within your code
- Logic within you code taking longer than specified
Please try again and contact us if the problem persists. (mark: 9.00)
This is the code:
from robot_control_class import RobotControl
class ExamControl:
def init(self):
self.rc = RobotControl()
def get_laser_readings(self):
left_reading = self.rc.get_laser(719)
right_reading = self.rc.get_laser(0)
return left_reading, right_reading
def main(self):
# Start moving the robot forward
while True:
left_reading, right_reading = self.get_laser_readings()
# If there are no obstacles on either side, stop the robot
if left_reading > 100 and right_reading > 100:
i fill like its something so basic that i just cant seem to see. Could someone please help me.
And also i thought 9/10 would give me a pass in the exam but it seems i cant mark my exam as done and when i go to my learning path to check for my scores they are still 0 and no certificate. Please help