IDE and gazebo issue

IDE is not showing any of my files and gazebo is running ridiculously slow.

Sorry about that @louisdberard. I apologize for the inconvenience.

We’ve been having some issues with the IDE and we’re working hard to kill it hard. Could you please tell us the specific course and unit you are trying to load?

We have made some improvements to the IDE. Please try again now and let us know.

I face the same problem too, which is the master gazebo simulator part3

Hello @xinyi.l.0310,

I apologize for this experience. Could you please try the reload button at the bottom-right corner of the IDE window? If that doesn’t solve the problem try with reloading the entire page using the reload button in your browser Also, if you see the message for updating to the latest version of the site please update it.
Let me know if any of these could fix the error.



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