Hi there,
I would like to report that I encounter some kind of bug relatively often. When I open the environment (it usually occurs in all courses, not only on one single course) the editors and file browser window loads forever without ever finishing. This means that I am not able to open or modify files in the file browser/editor.
When I then want to proceed and use VIM in one of the webshells, I realize that the webshell is a little buggy when using typical VIM commands and shortcuts like copy and pasting (with Y and P). After performing these actions, the terminal doesn’t show the correct characters on the cursor and then I can’t see what I am typing anymore. Then I need to quit VIM and re-enter.
This make the use of the website a real pain and it make it very slow and hard to make progress. This needs to be resolved in the future as only reading the course notes doesn’t do the job and applying these notes on a local ROS install is not only failing the purpose of the website, it is often not easy to do as it is often not easy to identify which processes are running in a specific course/environment.
The only thing that I really like so far are the structured notes on all the different topics as really working in the virtual environments is a pain, more often than not in my case.
I hope this can be resolved soon.
P.S.: I use Firefox as a browser.
Hi @dave.vandermeer1, welcome to the Community, and thanks for the feedback.
I apologize for the pain this has caused you. Here below are some things we can check:
- Are you using your browser in incognito/private mode? We have found that this does not work.
- Also, could you try using another browser in [Chrome, Edge, Firefox] and let us know if the same issue happens?
- Have tried using the refresh button at the bottom right of the IDE screen? Sometimes this resolves the issue.
Thank you for your patience. Please let us know if you are able to resolve it.
Hi @bayodesegun,
Thanks for the quick reply. I am not using incognito/private mode. I will try with Chrome. I am not sure which button you mean?
If I do not encounter issues with Chrome, I will let you know. In case that is, a note on the website might be handy so people know that Firefox might not be the best choice.
The button with an orangish circle in the image below.
Thanks for your response. We await your feedback.
Thanks for showing me the button. There are quite a lot of buttons in the entire interface and they do not always reveal what they do. I’ll let you know.
Hi @bayodesegun,
So I try Google Chrome and I still have the same issue. The IDE is loading and never finishes. Also, pressing the button you mentioned does not help, it refreshes and then keeps loading again forever. Even after refreshing the entire browser tab, it doesn’t stop loading the IDE (on Chrome now).
Any further ideas?
Hi @dave.vandermeer1,
Sorry to hear you are still having the issue.
I have tested on both Firefox and Chrome and could get the IDE to load most of the time. When it doesn’t load on its own, the “refresh” button got it working almost immediately. So, it’s looking like some configuration issues in your browsers.
Configurations you can check, in order:
- Are third party cookies enabled?
- Is JavaScript enabled?
- The IDE usually prints some messages to the browser console. Could you look in there and tell us any message you see?
Thank you for your patience. We await your feedback.
1 Like
So I opened Chrome again. The only browser extensions that I have is a disabled uMatrix and an enabled AdBlocker.
The console gives me the following:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-58670733-1:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
www.youtube.com/player_api:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
apis.google.com/js/platform.js?onload=onGapiLoad:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-PRH8B8C:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
api.robotigniteacademy.com/token/:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
color-application-contribution.ts:91 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.
at Function.e.initBackground (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/bundle.js:1:571236)
at Object.<anonymous> (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/bundle.js:84:10419)
at Object.<anonymous> (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/bundle.js:84:19032)
at n (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/bundle.js:1:110)
at Object.<anonymous> (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/bundle.js:20:1048308)
at n (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/bundle.js:1:110)
at https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/bundle.js:1:902
at https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/bundle.js:1:913
menubar.js:52 Failed to instantiate Notebook Tour DOMException: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.
at new c (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/notebook/js/main.min.js?v=617dbb6b838f3495e90f667d4b1f2fa9:46489:155)
at new NotebookTour (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/notebook/js/main.min.js?v=617dbb6b838f3495e90f667d4b1f2fa9:46620:21)
at new MenuBar (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/notebook/js/main.min.js?v=617dbb6b838f3495e90f667d4b1f2fa9:46715:25)
at https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/notebook/js/main.min.js?v=617dbb6b838f3495e90f667d4b1f2fa9:50493:19
at Object.execCb (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/components/requirejs/require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:1693:33)
at Module.check (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/components/requirejs/require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:881:51)
at Module.<anonymous> (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/components/requirejs/require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:1136:34)
at https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/components/requirejs/require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:134:23
at https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/components/requirejs/require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:1186:21
at each (https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/components/requirejs/require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:59:31)
menubar.js:277 actions jupyter-notebook:find-and-replace does not exist, still binding it in case it will be defined later...
MenuBar.bind_events @ menubar.js:277
utils.js:60 load_extensions Arguments(3)
bidi.js:19 Loaded moment locale en
main.js:11 xterm.BASE_URL: /31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/xterm
main.js:11 xterm.BASE_URL: /31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/xterm
main.js:11 xterm.BASE_URL: /31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/xterm
main.js:11 xterm.BASE_URL: /31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/xterm
three.js:19615 THREE.WebGLRenderer 62
gz3d.js:2257 Connecting to: wss://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/gzweb_ws/
16gz3d.js:3181 ### URITYPE EMPTY ##############################
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/components/proptypes/index.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/components/preact-compat/preact-compat.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/jupyter/static/components/preact/preact.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/gzweb/js/include/angular.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
three.js:19615 THREE.WebGLRenderer 62
gz3d.js:2257 Connecting to: wss://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/gzweb_ws/
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://i-09f2508670a7902ef.robotigniteacademy.com/31de50eb-5040-4e4b-9230-701fba2c8938/gzweb/js/include/angular.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
ignite.html?x=-1.03&y=-6.91&z=3.91:122 Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response https://app.theconstructsim.com/static/img/loading.gif with MIME type text/html. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5629709824032768 for more details.
10gz3d.js:3181 ### URITYPE EMPTY ##############################
2gz3d.js:3181 ### URITYPE EMPTY ##############################
4gz3d.js:3181 ### URITYPE EMPTY ##############################
I also add it as screenshot:
Thank you for your response. The prime suspect is the ad blocker.
It’s not just browser extensions, please also check third-party cookies: Delete, allow and manage cookies in Chrome - Computer - Google Chrome Help
Also, the messages you have shared indicate the following:
Your browser seems to be highly militarized
- are you in a corporate environment? Please let me know if the links shared above can help to resolve the issue.
1 Like
Hi @bayodesegun,
The #1 suspect is the ad blocker.
I could fix it! It was the AdBlocker and 3rd party cookies.
Your browser seems to be highly militarized
- are you in a corporate environment? Please let me know if the links shared above can help to resolve the issue.
This is my personal computer at home
I now whitelisted this website for the AdBlocker and I allowed 3rd party cookies and now it works on Chrome and by whitelisting it on the AdBlocker on Firefox, it also works there.
Thanks a lot for the support. I would have never figured it out by myself 
Now, it will be much less of a pain to learn on about robots.
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