I am creating this topic again as I did not replies for the old one, probably because the category was incorrect (Courses required for implementing navigation on a multirotor drone)
My main aim is to implement a navigation system for a multirotor drone. Basically it should avoid obstacles while moving autonomously.
I just finished the ROS Basics in 5 days course and had a look at the next course in the learning path which was about URDF modeling. I went through the first two units. Here is the query: Considering my aim and time constraints, the URDF modeling course doesn’t seem like a necessity for navigation.
Can I get some advice on which courses I should complete first. Should I move directly to the navigation course or are the courses like TF in ROS, Robot Control important for my task?
Hello @akshay.ulavan,
For drone navigation, the closer course we have currently is Programming Drones with ROS. However, keep in mind that this course doesn’t cover many aspects of drone navigation. It’s in our plans to include more content about drones in the near future though.
So should I proceed with the “ROS navigation in 5 days” after learning “ROS basics in 5days”?
Safe to Skip URDF, TF and robot control?
As I did these three courses previously before starting ROSNavigation, I can say that in this course most of the exercises doesn’t require the concepts learnt in TF, URDF or control. But, all the navigation stack works on tf data, robot controllers, and urdf spawned into the gazebo. In this course these are already compiled for us to make it easy to learn ROS Navigation.
I think sometimes we may feel lost like how odom frame is getting published or how in gazebo the controllers are working or how you can spawn model into gazebo with single command line. So, based on my knowledge I don’t suggest to directly go into this course, but if you are in a hurry you should decide.
I can’t add anything to what @shravistakashyap said!
Okay, thanks! I will start going through the Navigation Course to get a better idea.