Hi @girishkumar.kannan ,
I am currently in chapter 10 @ ex 10.2 working on Plot topic data I am trying to roslaunch iri_wam_aff_demo start_demo.launch but cmake shows that there is not such file or directory. I even tried roscd iri_wam_aff_demo to get into this iri directory and found that there no such folder / directory in my workspace. what should I do now do I need to install the pkg manually or what could be done ??
Thank you,
Hi @balajigunasekeran22 ,
Please don’t tag me directly in your first issue post. I will eventually read through all the posts.
Try this solution: Error Unit 8 - roslaunch ardrone_as action_server.launch - #3 by bayodesegun
Let me know if that solved your problem.
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Hi @girishkumar.kannan ,
Thank you for the response. It worked !!!.
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