I am working on the last bit of section 9 which is creating my own custom action server message.
I’ve followed the instructions and here is my action server message(I am working on the quiz as well so I use actions_quiz as my package name)
Thanks a lot for the reply! I tried it and notice in devel/share/ I don’t even have actions_quiz file.
Seems catkin_make did not run properly? I am not 100% sure how to handle the situation.
My best guess is should I try to execute catkin_clean wipe everything and redo it?
My understanding is that something is wrong with my CMakelists.txt/package.xml
I included std_msgs, actionlib_msgs and rospy.
What else I should put in
Hi Joseph, did you source your ROS environment? This is done by running the command source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
If it still gives you problems, then maybe you also have to source your workspace with source devel/setup.bash