General issue: rosject part 2 finding wall part works in simulation, but not on a real robot and it is becoming hard to troubleshoot with inconsistent connection to the real robot.
My intended logic:
make /scan subscriber callback calculate minimum distance and its index
server callback runs a while loop that goes trough a series of states
FACE_FORWARD - spins until front laser index matches the min index
DISNTACE_ALIGN - moves forward or backwards until min distance is around 0.3m
FACE_RIGHT same as face_forward, but target is the right laser index
send the response and end the callback.
What is actually happening on real robot:
Robot still spins after switching to distance_align mode. After 1-2 minutes, it stops spinning and drives forward/backward without stopping. ros2 topic echo /cmd_vel is showing that correct command being sent, but robot is not reflecting that (rostopic echo /cmd_vel is also the same). Robot seems to be stuck, meaning when in this state, stopping the program, with ctrl+c and trying to restart the program or try control it with a joystick does not do anything - robot is still performing previous action, like spinning or driving forwards. After again few minutes robot can be seen “back to normal” where it is responding to joystick and the program can be run. If robot managed to get through all the stages and complete the service, wall following behavior is working fine.
I understand that troubleshooting why something does not work in reality is the fun part of robotics, but the experience of remote real robot is starting to confuse me.
My experience with connection to real robots:
While doing the course, i tried testing my project on a real robot after each part:
The first part - wall following was working fine, although there were no joysticks.
Second part finding wall was giving me issues, but i noticed i had not adjusted for different laser scan sensors. So i moved on to finish the third part and finished to course.
I booked again a (third time) and then I start to have mentioned problems above.
Right now i am stuck on figuring out why my second part - find wall is not working on the real robot, and just booking and trying to troubleshoot.
What is confusing that real robot is not consistent:
now two sessions i could not make the robot functional. Both times i saw robot being a little bit on top of those sign base platform, and on one case i saw the wheels actually spinning, the second case i am not sure.
in one session my programs were just giving me error, where nothing was changed between the previous session.
in another session my service would just not get seen, meaning the main wall_follower node would just print ‘service not available, waiting again…’. This problem is the only one that happened to get fixed by restarting/reconnecting connection to the real robot.
After encountering an issue i tried:
check if joystick is responsive (wait for around 30s if maybe the camera feed is lagging)
to disconnect/reconnect inside rosject
restart the whole rosject
rerun ros1 bridge, use the commands provided in Jupiter notebook (since i saw in forums that now the bridge is ran automatically)
i check if /cmd_vel messages are constantly being published (as i understand in the real robot /cmd_vel message if not permanent order as in simulation)
i check ros2 topic echo hz /scan
It is starting to be very difficult to troubleshoot and i start to questions if the problem is my code or the connection to the real robot.
I just want to finish this course, what kind of completion of the real robot project is needed to start making arrangement to present?
Here is my server code for context:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from wall_follower_interfaces.srv import FindWall
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from rclpy.executors import MultiThreadedExecutor
from rclpy.callback_groups import ReentrantCallbackGroup
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from rclpy.qos import ReliabilityPolicy, QoSProfile
import time
class Service(Node):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('find_wall_service') = ReentrantCallbackGroup()
self.srv = self.create_service(FindWall, 'find_wall', self.service_callback,
self.publisher_ = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', 10)
self.subscriber = self.create_subscription(
QoSProfile(depth=10, reliability=ReliabilityPolicy.RELIABLE),
self.smallestDist = 0
self.smallestDistIndex = 0
self.alignment_complete = False
self.service_response = None
self.laser_source = "None"
self.is_first_call = True
def laser_callback(self,msg):
self.laser_all = msg.ranges
if self.laser_source == "None":
length_of_ranges = len(msg.ranges)
if length_of_ranges <500:
self.laser_source = "Sim"
self.get_logger().info('Using SIMULATION Laser values')
self.laser_source = "Real"
self.get_logger().info('Using REAL Laser values')
#self.timer = self.create_timer(1.0, self.show_laser_range,
#valid_ranges = [d for d in msg.ranges if not math.isnan(d) and not math.isinf(d)]
#valid_ranges = [d if not math.isnan(d) and not math.isinf(d) else 999.0 for d in msg.ranges]
#if msg.ranges:
self.smallestDist = min(msg.ranges)
self.smallestDistIndex = msg.ranges.index(self.smallestDist)
# Handle the case where all values are NaN or Inf
# self.smallestDist = None
# self.smallestDistIndex = None
def show_laser_range(self):
#self.get_logger().info('Laser 0 {0} '.format(self.laser_all[0]))
#self.get_logger().info('Laser 180 {0} '.format(self.laser_all[180]))
#self.get_logger().info('Laser 360 {0} '.format(self.laser_all[360]))
#self.get_logger().info('Laser 540 {0} '.format(self.laser_all[540]))
#self.get_logger().info('Laser 719 {0} '.format(self.laser_all[719]))
self.get_logger().info('MODE: %s Smallest Disntance: %.2f at index: %d' % (self.mode,self.smallestDist, self.smallestDistIndex))
def service_callback(self, request, response):
self.get_logger().info('Service callback started')
if self.is_first_call:
self.is_first_call = False
self.get_logger().info('Fake workaround for cancelling the first callback')
response.wallfound = False
return response
self.alignment_complete = False
self.mode = "FACE_FORWARD"
self.get_logger().info('MODE: %s'%(self.mode))
msg = Twist()
driveSpeed = 0.1
targetDistance = 0.3
targetDistanceAllowedError = 0.02
if self.laser_source == "Sim":
turnSpeed = 0.1
laser_forward_index = range(355,363)#359
laser_right_index = range(266,274)#270
laser_backward_index = 180 #range(176,184)
laser_left_index = 90
elif self.laser_source == "Real":
turnSpeed = -0.1
laser_forward_index = range(355,363)
laser_right_index = range(176,184)
laser_backward_index = 360#719
laser_left_index = 0#540
#self.get_logger().info('Just before while loop')
while not self.alignment_complete:
#self.get_logger().info('Inside while')
if self.mode=="FACE_FORWARD":
if self.smallestDistIndex not in laser_forward_index:
if self.smallestDistIndex >=laser_backward_index:
msg.angular.z = -turnSpeed
#self.get_logger().info('Turning right')
msg.angular.z = turnSpeed
#self.get_logger().info('Turning left')
msg.angular.z = 0.0
self.get_logger().info('Stopping turning, Changing to Distance align')
self.mode = "DISNTACE_ALIGN"
self.get_logger().info('MODE: %s'%(self.mode))
elif self.mode=="DISNTACE_ALIGN":
if abs(self.smallestDist - targetDistance)>targetDistanceAllowedError:
if self.smallestDist>targetDistance:
msg.linear.x = driveSpeed
#self.get_logger().info('Moving closer')
msg.linear.x = -driveSpeed
#self.get_logger().info('Moving further')
msg.linear.x = 0.0
self.get_logger().info('Stopping dinstance align, Changing to rotate right align')
self.get_logger().info('MODE: %s'%(self.mode))
elif self.mode=="FACE_RIGHT":
if self.smallestDistIndex not in laser_right_index:
if self.laser_source == "Sim":
msg.angular.z = turnSpeed
msg.angular.z = -turnSpeed
#self.get_logger().info('Turning left')
#if self.smallestDistIndex < laser_right_index and self.smallestDistIndex > laser_left_index :
if self.smallestDistIndex < min(laser_right_index) and self.smallestDistIndex > laser_left_index :
if self.laser_source == "Sim":
msg.angular.z = -turnSpeed
msg.angular.z = turnSpeed
#self.get_logger().info('Turning right')
msg.angular.z = 0.0
self.get_logger().info('Aligned, stopping')
self.mode = "ALIGNED"
self.get_logger().info('MODE: %s'%(self.mode))
elif self.mode=="ALIGNED":
self.alignment_complete = True
self.get_logger().info('Aligned_complete set to True')
self.get_logger().info('Eorr inside findWall main logic')
#self.get_logger().info('MODE: %s Smallest Disntance %.2f at index: %d' % (self.mode,self.smallestDist, self.smallestDistIndex))
#self.get_logger().info('Inside while after callback')
#self.get_logger().info('just outside while')
response.wallfound = True
self.get_logger().info('Servers is Sending response')
return response
def main(args=None):
moving_service = Service()
executor = MultiThreadedExecutor(num_threads=3)
if __name__ == '__main__':