I’m trying to get the code running that is given, using the created "my_custom_srv_msg_pkg/MyCustomServiceMessage"
and I can see the message when I run
rossrv list | grep MyCustomServiceMessage
but the issue is when I try making a server as a script and do a rosrun to start the service.
line 5, in <module>
from my_custom_srv_msg_pkg.srv import MyCustomServiceMessage, MyCustomServiceMessageResponse
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'my_custom_srv_msg_pkg'
basically it can’t find the module I created, I made sure to do a catkin_make and resource after creating the message.
This is the copied code, it looks like it is having an issue with finding the service message.
#! /usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from my_custom_srv_msg_pkg.srv import MyCustomServiceMessage, MyCustomServiceMessageResponse # you import the service message python classes
# generated from MyCustomServiceMessage.srv.
def my_callback(request):
print("Request Data==> duration="+str(request.duration))
my_response = MyCustomServiceMessageResponse()
if request.duration > 5.0:
my_response.success = True
my_response.success = False
return my_response # the service Response class, in this case MyCustomServiceMessageResponse
my_service = rospy.Service('/my_service', MyCustomServiceMessage , my_callback) # create the Service called my_service with the defined callback
rospy.spin() # maintain the service open.
Any ideas what I’m doing wrong here? I tried to review the previous created services tutorial, but I don’t see what I’m missing here.