Linux exam task3, why does the autoscore fail me?

Hi there,

I cannot understand why the auto score system failed me for task 3 of linux exam…Could you please check it?

cd this/is/my/linux/exam/

rm -ri *


chmod 754

chmod 501

chmod 241

The auto score system provides you with the feedback of where you should look at.
Can you paste here a screenshot of what the auto grader said to you?

Hi @rtellez,

this is his feedback:

✖ [12:18:13] [assess] Linux Task 3: permissions NOT set correctly
- Is the file present? Expecting /home/user/catkin_ws/src/linux_exam/this/is/my/linux/exam/
- Did you assign the permissions on the file as indicated in the exam specifications? (mark: 3.50)

✖ [12:18:18] [assess] Linux Task 3: permissions NOT set correctly
- Is the file present? Expecting /home/user/catkin_ws/src/linux_exam/this/is/my/linux/exam/
- Did you assign the permissions on the file as indicated in the exam specifications? (mark: 3.50)

✖ [12:18:23] [assess] Linux Task 3: permissions NOT set correctly
- Is the file present? Expecting /home/user/catkin_ws/src/linux_exam/this/is/my/linux/exam/
- Did you assign the permissions on the file as indicated in the exam specifications? (mark: 3.50), I checked the correction logs. The auto-correction script says it cannot find the files.

Please review the instructions carefully.

  1. Maybe you are removing the files when you shouldn’t,
  2. Maybe you are creating the files in the wrong way or location, or something similar.

What I can tell you is this: The auto-correction script cannot find the files in the expected location.

Hi @ralves

according to my screenshot of the result of the ls command and my script, I think everything is correct but the autograde did not find them…

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