LiveClass/OpenClass access?

Hi! I subscribed for the Construct courses and was wondering about the Open/Live Classes every Tuesday from 6 PM. How can I find the link to participate and/or to the Rosjects? There is this youtube playlist under The Construct channel, but I usually reveive notifications about them after the class was held.

Also even though I am signed up, this link doesn’t show any updated schedule and topic of the classes:

The next live class here is scheduled for Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 6pm CEST… Or maybe you guys teach time travel as well… ? :slight_smile:


Hi @ragaszto

Do you get our email updates? If not, they might be hibernating in your spam box. We send announcements about upcoming open classes.

Also, you would see a link to join the open class within the app, on the top bar, once the class is live.

You can view past open classes within the app - click on the Open Classes tab. You’ll find the rosjects there too.

This is normal. We upload to YouTube after the class.

I would say it’s a failed attempt to teach time travel :smiley:. Seriously, we’ll work on this.

Thank you. So I guess today there is no live class…

Yes, we did not have one yesterday.

Hello @bayodesegun
I just wanted to know that does construct also facilitate curation of ROS2 courses according to the needs of an organization ?
If yes, who we can contact ?


We consider requests on a case-by-case basis. You can send a request, with details, to

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