Lost completeness for TF ROS2 course - archived courses - course versions


I finished TF ROS2 recently and you updated this course, thank you for that.
I upgraded the course to see what changed and I lost my “100% completed” status.

I think, I understand, that basically after the upgrade this is a new course, but maybe you can keep the “old” courses in an “archived” state where I can check the material and my code and I can also see that I finished that course.

Or maybe there can be versions for the same course and we can make a decision if I would like to see the old versions also or just the latest versions on courses lists.

Thank you in advance

Hi Péter,
thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately what you propose is too complex for people. We need to prioritize simplicity over functionality. Otherwise the academy will quickly become a mess of options everywhere.
I really appreciate the suggestion. Thank you very much.

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Hi @rtellez ,

You are probably right about the complexity.

However, somehow I would like to track my “achievements” on this site. I mean, what courses I did,
how I did it (if there were quizzes, what were my scores), etc.

So now I lost my 100% TF ROS2, because we can not have versions nor achived courses, but if the system can remember that I did 100% on TF ROS2 in the past, that can be enough and if I can see it on my “home”, that would be awesome.


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