Move base goal interpretation for GPS longitude/latitude

Hi all,
I am trying to send longitude/latitude goal to move base the steps followed are:

  1. Convert long/lati to XY using gc
  2. send this x, y to move base in map frame

This does not work and the robot goes to different points. Also sometimes fall from the world.

The second approach I tried is:

  1. Convert long/lati to UTM using gc
  2. Transform utm to odom
  3. send this x, y to move base in map frame

This does not work either. Can anyone tell me how to perform it properly. Any highlights on the issue will be highly appreciated.

@albertoezquerro Can you please have a look and may be have any insights?
I will be thankful for your time and reply.

Helo @TahirM ,

Let me share a couple of links that might be useful for you: