I’m trying to set up my Locobot Wx250s arm with MoveIt using the MoveIt Setup Assistant.
There are two issues, one of them is an annoyance, the other one critical.
- When trying to load the urdf through the GUI of the assistant, sometimes I get an error that the ros master can’t be contacted.
[ INFO] [1728662961.240113530]: Loaded locobot robot model.
[ INFO] [1728662961.245363550]: Setting Param Server with Robot Description
[ERROR] [1728662961.246092479]: [setParam] Failed to contact master at [2_xterm:11311]. Retrying...
Sometimes starting a roscore in another terminal helps, sometimes it doesn’t.
When I get through error 1, I continue setting up my robot using the GUI, but when I click on Author Information, the Setup Assistant crashes with the following error:
================================================================================REQUIRED process [moveit_setup_assistant-1] has died!
process has died [pid 30808, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/noetic/lib/moveit_setup_assistant/moveit_setup_assistant __name:=moveit_setup_assistant __log:=/home/user/.ros/log/1f26ecc8-87eb-11ef-8e86-0242ac150008/moveit_setup_assistant-1.log].
log file: /home/user/.ros/log/1f26ecc8-87eb-11ef-8e86-0242ac150008/moveit_setup_assistant-1*.log
Initiating shutdown!
Clicking on Configuration Files instead also results in the same crash.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Steps to reproduce:
Fork the rosject: https://app.theconstruct.ai/l/65720807/
roslaunch moveit_setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch
urdf of the robot is locobot.urdf.xacro in the urdf folder (also pinned as a shortcut)