Could we add multiple desktop pages to two?
Maybe allow 1 for the project and 1 for the courses.
I am finding it annoying to reference the lessons while I am trying to work on the projects.
HI @Eldgar ,
If I have understood you correctly, you would like to have the course open on one browser tab and the rosject open on another browser tab, is that correct?
Assuming that is your thought, there is already a solution in place for you.
You can click on the “Review Course Notebooks” button on the bottom bar / panel on the rosjects to refer to any course material you have completed.
The image below shows the rosject environment. The button highlighted in red square box brings up the course notebooks for your reference when you are working on the course. It shows up as a popup window just like the one you see in the picture below.
If I am correct, two Virtual Machine sessions cannot be allowed for one user in the platform. It would be difficult to maintain resources online including session activity (unless otherwise TheConstruct team is able to provide).
By accessing the “Review Course Notebooks” button, you will never have the need to switch between course and rosject environments.
I hope this answers your issue. Please let me know if you still have any issues.
Oh, that’s good to know thanks.
Sometimes it would be nice to just be able to see the full code rather than read through the lessons.
However I understand the reasoning for not doing it.
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