When I turn on my robot I don’t see the web-joystick…
HI suzanawinat, this can happen sometimes, you can use teleop_twist_keyboard pkg to move the robot. Normally, you must to have it installed in your rosject.
Here you can find more info about it:
Thank you for you ready reply!!! but still some issue here.
1 - I booked the robot
2 - I turned on the connection
3 - the cameras shows up (without the web-joystick… but as we said I can move the robot even without it)
4 - I open a terminal to launch the bridge using the folliwing comands:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch load_params load_params.launch
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
ros2 run ros1_bridge parameter_bridge
5 - the last comand never end his execution… so I decided to open a new terminal and run my own command to move the robot or launck my launch file for wall_fallower… but nothing is working…
=> in the hole hour of renting I couldn’t move the robot… I don’t know what I am forgtting to do
Can you post a picture of the output of your last command in the CLI? What robot are you trying to control?
Which specific rosject are you using with the robot?
Hi @suzanawinat,
with @roalgoal we just enabled the web-joystick.
We had it disabled previously because it only worked with specific ROS Distros, but now it should work with ROS1 and ROS2.
If you try again and it doesn’t show up, could you tell us which ROS Distro you are using to connect?
Thank you so much! For your feedbacks, I’ll try to reconect and if I still has same problem I’ll give you more infos.
Again thank you!!! I really appriciate.
“ROS2 Basics Python Real Robot Project”, I am connecting to “TurtleBot3”
So, now the web-joystick shows up but the status in not connecting to the robot… infact there are all red dots nex to the topics
I have seen that these error already occured and was a problem with the robot… Do u guys know what can I do?
Even rostopic list
give me an error, because it does not recognize rostopic as comand
I am able to run
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
but (even if I decrese the speed to allowed range, it doen’t respond to my comands
Should this be ros2 topics list
Try moving the joystick anyway by dragging it with your mouse. We’ll see about the status bar → it’s sometimes not correct.
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