This is an error report.
Screenshot of the error

Error details
In the above screenshot I coppied the example code, but the code I wrote gave me the same error message
This is an error report.
Screenshot of the error
Error details
In the above screenshot I coppied the example code, but the code I wrote gave me the same error message
This error happened because the referenced file is missing. You’ll find the instructions for creating that file in the first unit of the course.
You should start the course from the first unit and execute every step. Do not skip.
I havent skipped anything. I was actually going back through the lessons cause I was getting confused on later sections
And you seem to have changed the folder structure intended for the course. The file you are trying to execute should be place next to the robot_control_class
I recommend that you:
The issue seems to be confined to this one lesson. How would I reset everything?
I should add that I am currently on the python 3 for robotics coarse, so all of the ROS files where created for me.
I suggest you restart the course from the beginning, removing everything in ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
rm -rf build/ devel/ src/*
I’m aware that you are taking the Python 3 for Robotics course. We provide instructions for creating the files needed, but you must follow these instructions carefully and try to understand what is being done.
Is there any a hard way to reset the entire coarse and the progress. Deleting those files didnt help fix my issue.
We can “hard reset” your files and progress, but this might not fix your issue. You need to pay attention to what I said earlier. This is how you’ll learn.
We provide instructions for creating the files needed, but you must follow these instructions carefully and try to understand what is being done.
Which specific issue was not fixed after you deleted those files? Which error are you getting now?
I have gone back through the entire coarse. All the files that it asked me to create so far are python files. The file that is missing is in a directory that can not be accsessed (atleast through the ied). Maybe I am mssing something father in the lesson, but it still shouldn’t be doing this at this point in the lesson. If there is a way I can fix this particular issue that would be great. If not I hope resetting the coarse will fix the issue, but there is nothing in the courses that I see that could fix this.
All files needed should be accessible via the IDE. You are missing something or mixing something up.
Anyway, I have reset the course for you. Please return to the first unit of the course and start over. Carefully…