Gradebot is taking a lot of time to check and mark test for option 1 certification
As per your request to keep the window/tab open I’m unable to continue with other courses since once another window/tab is open the marking window/tab is refreshed thus canceling the marking process
After a while away from the screen the marking stopped with the pop-up question “Are you still there?”
Please advise what to do in this case
inf is what indicates that the sensor cannot sense any obstacle (or that the obstacle is beyond its sensing range). So you need to check for inf readings in order to detect when the robot:
is facing the opening of the room (task 2)
is completely out of the room (task 3).
Kindly also note that task 3 is supposed to take off from where task 2 ended (the robot already facing the room opening).
Regarding the infinite process during task3, can you check what this evaluates to when the robot is completely outside the room?
Check for inf readings is performed by large values
e.g. while self.get_right_laser() <= 10*laser_R_set:
Attached print screen from the code and the shell
In red frame you will find the laser reading you requested.
Also you can see that the condition is valid and while loop in logic since the code continues.
The print (“Stop, I’m close to the wall”) is presented in the shell
Regarding the infinite process during task3, evaluates when the robot is completely outside the room
self.get_front_laser() > 1.0
The robot is going outside the room (see picture. robot area), the robot stops and the codes stops and exits (see picture, shell area)
this condition is not performed at all after exiting the room and in fact not after turning toward the exit.
I’m well aware that the robot is not starting task3 from task2 finish point but it may well be a mistake but not code error that makes the check process to get stuck.
I have completed the Code Foundation Quiz and have received 100% at my 18th attempt (yes, you read that right - at my 18th attempt). Reason: Even I got stuck at for 17 attempts.
I read this entire post, so decided to help you out since you seem to be stuck for more than 10 days(?).
You can check for infinity values with python simply by if var == float(“inf”) or if var != float(“inf”).
For you must get all the readings except inf values and report the maximum and minimum of non-inf values.
For just reset your simulation, move as far as the front wall and stop within 1 meter and just turn 90 degrees (roughly - need not be exact 90 degree) to face the exit.
VERY IMPORTANT starts off from the final position of Just create the two functions get_laser_readings() and main() working. Make sure when you have exited the room / walls and all your laser scan values read inf as ranges.
If all the above are working, the gradebot/autograder will succeed. As it did for me!
i assume that by achieving the score of 8.5 point I’m eligible to get a certificate in the Code Foundation for ROS learning path.
Where should I find it
Also your attention that I’m the teacher in this account in our academy package and my name is not TUARD.
please verify that my name is on the certificate (personal details will be provided privately)
You have infinite attempts, so why take the certificate now if you can improve your score?
By the way, your score will not be printed on your certificate, I believe. So, improve your answers, get a 100% and request TheConstructSim team to update your score (this step is only for your satisfaction) and then you can get your certificate.
Also, I am not a part of The Construct Team. I am also another student in this website .
I was able to help you because I just completed the same exam a few days back.