I have issue with running code in chapter 5(Services in ROS: Clients).
When I try to run code(roslaunch iri_wam_aff_demo start_demo.launch) from the Example 5.1, I am getting an error as below. I tried to find iri_wam_aff_demo package using roscd, it doesn’t appear.
---------- error ----------
RLException: [start_demo.launch] is neither a launch file in package [iri_wam_aff_demo] nor is [iri_wam_aff_demo] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
Also when I catkin_make from cd ~/catkin_ws, it also gives me an error as below. I also couldn’t find the ardrone_as package.
---------- error ----------
/home/user/catkin_ws/src/action_client_pkg/src/cancel_goal_test.cpp:2:10: fatal error: ardrone_as/ArdroneAction.h: No such file or directory
2 | #include <ardrone_as/ArdroneAction.h> // Note: “Action” is appended
Did you launch the right package? It should be roslaunch iri_wam_aff_demo start_demo.launch. Please try again and show us a screenshot with the error if the error happens again.
Please post this as a separate question, giving more details. Ex: what exercise were you working on?
When I do roscd iri_wam_aff_demo to find the package, it also gives me the error as below.
user:~$ roscd iri_wam_aff_demo
roscd: No such package/stack ‘iri_wam_aff_demo’
When I do roscd iri_wam_aff_demo to find the package, it also gives me the error as below.
user:~$ roscd iri_wam_aff_demo
roscd: No such package/stack ‘iri_wam_aff_demo’
Hi @bayodesegun, I am also running into the same problem, when I try to run
roslaunch iri_wam_aff_demo start_demo.launch
the error I get is:
RLException: [start_demo.launch] is neither a launch file in package [iri_wam_aff_demo] nor is [iri_wam_aff_demo] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
I have also checked to see if the package can be found with:
roscd iri_wam_aff_demo
and the package cannot be found.
roscd: No such package/stack 'iri_wam_aff_demo/'
I have tried all the suggestions above, even running catkin_make multiple times as suggested here,
cd /home/simulations/public_sim_ws
rm -rf build/ devel/
catkin_make # you might need to retry this a few times**
source devel/setup.bash
rospack profile
When I run the catkin_make, the error I get is,
In file included from /home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/variant/variant_topic_tools/src/Message.cpp:20:
/home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/variant/variant_topic_tools/include/variant_topic_tools/Message.h:30:10: fatal error: variant_msgs/Variant.h: No such file or directory
30 | #include <variant_msgs/Variant.h>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [all/variant/variant_topic_tools/CMakeFiles/variant_topic_tools.dir/build.make:206: all/variant/variant_topic_tools/CMakeFiles/variant_topic_tools.dir/src/Message.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:10558: all/variant/variant_topic_tools/CMakeFiles/variant_topic_tools.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2
Invoking "make -j8 -l8" failed
I am not sure what to do anymore. It seems this should be something that should work straight out of the Ros Basics In 5 days (C++) course, but it is not working.
It is still not showing up for me. Here is what I see in my terminal:
**Command you recommeded**
user:~$ source /home/simulations/public_sim_ws/devel/setup.bash
**Checking all packages starting with i**
user:~$ roscd i
image_common/ image_view/image_geometry/ image_view2/
image_pipeline/ imagesift/image_proc/ imu_sensor_controller/image_publisher/ interactive_marker_tutorials/
image_rotate/ interactive_marker_twist_server/
image_transport/ interactive_markers/
**Trying to launch the package**
user:~$ roslaunch iri_wam_aff_demo start_demo.launch
RLException: [start_demo.launch] is neither a launch file in package [iri_wam_aff_demo] nor is [iri_wam_aff_demo] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file